Summer Blossom Throw – Week 7

Hey all! I’m so excited to jump right on in and get stitching this gorgeous mandala! A quick reminder, this is the free version of the pattern and DOES NOT INCLUDE the PDF pattern. You can purchase the PDF pattern HERE or the Yarn Kit from Lion Brand Yarn HERE, both of which include the pdf pattern.

Scallop Edging

Repeat 21 times. 

Scalloped border is worked in rows, each scallop is worked individually. Weave in ends at the end of each scallop. Final border rounds are worked after all scalloped are complete. Also, sometimes stitch counts can get off, that’s okay. Adjusting the scallops by moving slip stitches will ensure all the scallops fit if needed. Don’t worry! I did it on my sample too!

Row 1: with RS facing, join Color B in any st around, ch 6, sk next 5 sts, sl st to next sc, ch 1, sk next sc, sl st in next sc, turn. 

Row 2 (WS): Work 12 dc in ch-6 sp from Row 1, sk next sc on Rnd 47, sl st in next sc, ch 1, sk next sc, sl st in next sc, turn. (12 dc)

Row 3 (RS): Dc in first dc, *ch 2, dc in next dc; rep from * across, sk next sc on Rnd 47, sl st in next sc, ch 1, sk next sc, sl st in next sc, turn. (12 dc, 12 ch-2 sps)

Row 4 (WS): Dc in first dc, *2dc in next ch-2 sp, dc in next dc; rep from * across, sk next sc on Rnd 47, sl st in next sc. Fasten off. (36 dc)

Row 5 (RS): Join Color A with a sl st in next sc on Rnd 47, *Fptr around post of next dc on Row 3, sk st behind fptr just made, sc in next 2 dc (the dc in the previous ch-2 sp); rep from * across, ending with a fptr around the post of the past dc on Row 3, sl st in next sc on Rnd 47. Fasten off. (12 Fptr, 24 sc)

Row 6 (RS): Join Color C with a sl st in next sc on Rnd 47 (one stitch to the right of Row 5), *sc in next fptr, fpdc around posts of next 2 dc; rep from * around to last st, sc in last fptr, sl st in next sc on Rnd 47. Fasten off. (12 sc, 24 fpdc)

Row 7 (RS): Join Color D with sl st in next sc on Rnd 47 (one stitch to the right of Row 6), *3Fpdc around post of fptr from Row 5, rep from * across, sl st in next sc on Rnd 47. Fasten off. (36 fpdc)

Row 8 (RS): Join Color E with a sl st in next sc on Rnd 47 (one stitch to the right of Row 7), sc in next 2 fpdc, *sk next st, fpdc around post of next 2fpdc from Row 6, sk next st, sc in next fpdc; rep from * across to last 2 sts, sc in each of the last fpdc, sl st in next sc on Rnd 47. Fasten off.

Row 9 (RS): Join Color D with a sl st in next sc on Rnd 47 (one stitch to the right of Row 8), fpdc around post of next 2 fpdc on Row 7, *ch 1, fpdc2tog around posts of last and first fpdc of 3-dc groups on Row 7, ch 1, fpdc around post of next fpdc on Row 7; rep from * around to ast two fpdc, fpdc around post of next 2 fpdc. Fasten off. 

Place a marker on last fpdc2tog worked on Row 9. 

Skip 11 stitches and rep Rows 1-7 again.


Spring Hope Crochet Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern and Book Review

A quick to stitch cotton shawl with the simplest of shaping, my String Network Crochet Shawl, is the perfect accent piece for your summer nights on the town. Get the free pattern below and read a special book review for “Crochet Every Way Stitch Dictionary” by Dora Ohrenstein.

Continue reading Spring Hope Crochet Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern and Book Review

Sorbet Summer Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern

The perfect way to add a little pop of color to your summer wardrobe, my Sorbet Summer Shawl is the newest free pattern from Rohn Strong!

Hello Friends!

I love welcoming each of you like that. That’s exactly how I think of each of you. Friends. You bring such positivity and light to my little corner of the world and, for that, I thank you.

Alright, back to the crochet!

I whipped up this shawl some time ago and haven’t had a moment to share it with you! It’s a gorgeous simple shawl using some cotton yarn.

Here in the south, we have the hottest summers known to man and each year they just seem to get hotter. This year is no exception. The truth is, as hot as it gets outside, it gets colder inside.

If you’re like me, that damn A/C unit just chills me right to the bone. So, having a little something to throw around my shoulders is just perfect.

The Design

This design is constructed back and forth using a thinner worsted weight yarn and a larger hook. Increases and decreases form the asymmetrical shape and I worked stripes every few rows to give it a really cool and modern look!

The yarn I chose to use was discontinued between actually making this project and posting this pattern. So, in lieu of that I am just going to share the yarn amounts/yardage with you and you can make the shawl as you wish!

The Pattern

Finished Shawl Size:

Wingspan: About 54in.

Depth: About 20in.

Approximately Materials:

  • 3 colors worsted weight cotton yarn (approximately 150yds of each)
  • Size US K/6.5mm Crochet Hook
  • Stitch Markers
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Scissors


Gauge is not essential for this shawl. The most important thing is that the fabric is loose and there is quite a bit of drape. 


Section 1:

Row 1: Using Color A, ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next ch, 2sc in each of the next 2 sts. (6 sts)

Row 2: Ch 1, turn, 2sc in first st, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc2tog. (6 sts)

Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, 2sc in each of the last 2 sts. (8 sts)

Row 4: Ch 1, turn, 2sc in first st, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc2tog. (8 sts)

Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until working row has 60 sts. End after working a Row 4.

Section 2:

Row 1: Join B with a sc, ch 3, turn, tr in each st across to last 2 sts, 2tr in each of the last 2 sts. (62 sts)

End off B.

Row 2: Join A with a sc, 2sc in first st, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc2tog. (62 sts)

End off A.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until the working row has 78 sts. End after working a Row 2.

Section 3:

Row 1: Join B with a sc, ch 3, turn, tr in each st across to last 2 sts, 2tr in each of the last 2 sts. (62 sts)

End off B.

Row 2: Join C with a sc, 2sc in first st, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc2tog. (62 sts)

End off A.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until the working row has 86 sts. End after working a Row 2.

Section 4:

Row 1: Join C with a sc, ch 3, turn, tr in each st across to last 2 sts, 2tr in each of the last 2 sts. (88 sts)

End off.

Row 2: Join C with a sc, ch 3, turn, 2tr in first st, tr in each st across to last 2 sts, tr2tog. (88 sts)

End off.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until working row has 94 sts.

Repeat Row 1, once more. (96 sts)


With RS facing, join A in the last st worked. Working from Left to Right, reverse single crochet in each st across. End off.


Block shawl to finished shape. Weave in all ends.

Scipio Shawl Crochet Pattern

This post may contain affiliate links, view our disclosure policy for details.

You can purchase the pattern HERE for just $3. The price will go up on July 27th, 2018, so get it while you can.

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I have this thing about shawls. Especially Pi shawls, those shawls that are as easy to design as they are to crochet up! If you’ve never crocheted a shawl before…The Scipio Shawl is for you!

You can purchase the pattern HERE for just $3. The price will go up on July 27th, 2018, so get it while you can.

This shawl was originally designed with the beginner crocheter in mind. It’s one of those ‘skill builder’ projects. You begin with a few stitches in single crochet and work your way up to triple crochets. All the increases are really simple to do and done all at once.

The best thing? Gauge and counting don’t really matter all that much! Seriously!

The beauty of math.

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The super simple shape and basic stitches make this piece the perfect canvas for color changing yarns, like Lion Brand Shawl in a Ball, which is what I used here, but more on that later.

You can purchase the pattern HERE for just $3. The price will go up on July 27th, 2018, so get it while you can.

Looking for Cool Comfy Crochet Hooks? Check out Twin Birch Products HERE!

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The best part about this shawl? It can be made in a number of sizes. Seriously! Because it is crocheted from the top down, you don’t have to worry about having enough yarn or getting too bored…just stop whenever you want!

The pattern is written for a nice sized shawl, about 60 inches across and 24 inches deep. Honestly, it doesn’t take long to get their either. A lot of the stitches are triple crochet, which means it flies right off the hook. I made mine in just two days.

You can purchase the pattern HERE for just $3. The price will go up on July 27th, 2018, so get it while you can.

Buy My Books!

1.  Crochet Lacy Shawls / 2. Step Into Crochet / 3. New Methods for Crochet Socks

Let’s chat about yarn for a minute, shall we? I love color changing yarns…but I hate that I can’t choose the colors inside. I chose to use Lion Brand Shawl in a Ball in the colorway, Unique Unicorn. This was the perfect blend of colors for me…except the grey. That color just threw it all off for me. I actually didn’t work with the yarn I purchased because of that color. Then, I got an idea, why not just cut it out? So…that’s what I did. I worked right up to that color, cut the entire color out, rejoined the yarn and kept going! DIY Maker HACK!

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This shawl can be made in just about any weight yarn, you’ll just want to adjust the hook size for the yarn you have. Here’s a handy guide:

Fingering: I/9
DK: J/10
Worsted: K/10.5
Bulky: L/8mm
Super Bulky: 10mm

Keep in mind that although I used Shawl in a Ball, and it happens to be a worsted weight yarn, it works up like a fingering, which is why I chose a I/9 5.5mm crochet hook.

Processed with VSCO with l8 preset

You can purchase the pattern HERE for just $3. The price will go up on July 27th, 2018, so get it while you can.

Don’t forget, by joining my Facebook Group you’ll get access to ME! I’m always around to answer any questions you may have, help you get through those crochet snags, or just to share photos of your FO’s!

Buy My Books!

1.  Crochet Lacy Shawls / 2. Step Into Crochet / 3. New Methods for Crochet Socks

Processed with VSCO with l8 preset




Chic and Strong Crescent Shawl Crochet Pattern – The Marly Bird One


Chic and Strong Crescent Shawl

I’m excited to share this brand new crochet shawl today! The Chic and Strong Crescent Shawl has been off my hook for quite awhile now and is a FREE pattern from Red Heart Yarns!


Last year right around the time my book, Step Into Crochet, came out, I was The Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird! It was one hell of a good time, as it always is with Marly, and afterward, I got an email from her asking me to design something and she told me she loved my shawls. I love my shawls too…hell I even wrote a book about them. I agreed and we were off to the races.

Marly’s new yarn line, Chic Sheep, was used for the sample and lemme tell you…this stuff is like buttah. Soft as all get out and stitch definition that’ll make you want to crochet with it again and again! The yarn lent itself to the pattern so well, and honestly, it was fun choosing colors and seeing them work so well together. Marly and her team really did a great job creating a line of coordinating solids that will work for most projects you have! It’s a solid, plump, worsted weight yarn and blocks beautifully.



Chic and Strong Crescent Shawl is a simple crescent shaped shawl that uses worsted weight yarn. This shawl pattern comes in one size.

Use your favorite worsted weight yarn for this one or dig through the scrap stash and choose a couple of your old stand by’s. Choose a cool main color to really show off your stitch definition and skills!

This shawl does require a bit of blocking. This is needed for the crescent shape. So, brush up on those blocking skills y’all!

Oh…and before you think the edging is a little too daunting? The pattern includes full charts, so we’ve got you covered!


Get the pattern here for Free from Red Heart Yarns! Stock up on some Chic Sheep once you’re there too. You can’t find it in stores!

I’ll be hosting a FREE CAL (crochet along) in my Facebook Group Here, so make sure to join and we’ll get started on Monday, March 12th!

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Pinterest - Chic and Strong 2